Kyoto International Manga Museum

Kyoto International Manga Museum
The Kyoto International Manga Museum locates in southern Kyoto. Here, manga-related exhibitions and events are held throughout the year. In the museum a total of around 300,000 manga related documents and artworks are displayed. Those include works from the Edo Period (1603 – 1867), World War II and even overseas. There is a 200-meter “manga wall”, where about 50,000 works of manga are shelved. Visitors are allowed to read any of the works displayed on the wall. You can even take them outside to the lawn area, and read under the sun. There are workshops held at the museum as well, where you can learn how to draw and color manga. At the museum shop, you can find original manga t-shirts and hand towels. You can also purchase manga drawing items. Don’t miss the drawings on the walls, drawn by famous manga artists!
Basic Information
452 Kinpuki-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
10:00a.m. - 6:00p.m. (last entry at 5:30p.m.) Cafe: 11:00a.m. - 6:00p.m. (last order at 5:30p.m.)
Year-end holidays and Wednesdays (following weekday if Wednesday is a public holiday)
Adults: ¥800 Junior high school students: ¥300 Elementary school students: ¥100
FromKarasuma Oike Station (Kyoto Municipal Subway Karasuma Line and Tozai Line)
about a 2-minute walk