Muroto Schoolhouse Aquarium

Muroto Schoolhouse Aquarium
The Muroto Schoolhouse Aquarium, in southeastern Kochi prefecture, is an aquarium that was once a school. The hallways, science labs, library and more are used as a part of the aquarium. About 50 different types of more than 1,000 sea creatures can be found here. Most of them are fish caught and donated by local fishermen. The pool of the school is used as a tank, too. There, larger creatures like yellowtail, mackerel and sharks can be found.
Basic Information
533-2 Murotomisaki-cho, Muroto-shi, Kochi
9:00a.m. - 6:00p.m. *9:00a.m. - 5:00p.m. between October and March
Open year-round
High school students and above: ¥600 Elementary and junior high school students: ¥300 *Free for those below elementary school *Discounts available for Muroto citizens
FromKyujomae Station (Asa Line)
about a 5-minute walk to【Aki Eigyo-sho Bus Stop】 【Aki Eigyo-sho Bus Stop】Kochi Tobu Kotsu Bus / for Kannoura →【Muroto Haiko Suizokukan-mae】→ about a minute walk