Mount Omine

Mount Omine is located in Yoshino-cho, the southern part of Nara prefecture. Its mountain range runs from the bank of Yoshino River to Mount Sanjogatake. Mount Ōmine has an elevation of 1,719m, the highest in Kinki Region. The patriarch of Shugendō or En No Gyoja is considered to have opened dojō, or training places, for mountain ascetic practices. Training highlights consists of the well-known “Kanekakeiwa”, in which climbers must use chains to climb steep rock walls and “Nishi no Nozoki”, where visitors are hung over the edge of a cliff. At the summit is “Ōminesan-ji”, a temple designated as the national important cultural property. visitors can rest at the Shukubo (a temple lodging). Since ancient times, women have been prohibited to enter Mount Ōmine, and even now it is not allowed. At the foot of the mountain lies the spiritually power spot, “Tenkawa Daibenzaiten-sha Shrine”. The annual festival with traditional Japanese performances of the Takigi-noh by the Kyoto Kanze-ryu school is held in July.

Basic Information

60 Oaza Sawatani, Tenkawamura, Yoshino-gun, Nara Prefecture
Saturdays and Sundays, Holidays, New Years


  • FromFrom Shimoichi Guchi Station
    Nara Transportation Bus/ Dorogawa Onsen・Nakaiosumi Direction
    →[Amakawa kawai] Bus Stop→ walking distance within a minute