Tsuyama Castle

Tsuyama Castle

Tsuyama Castle


“Tsusyama Castle” is one of the important cultural property of Japan which is located in the center of Tsuyama City in Northern part of Okayama prefecture. This historical castle was built in early Edo period. The founder was Tadamasa Mori, one of the younger brothers of Ranmaru Mori, who got killed in the battle with Nobunaga Oda at the Honnoji Incident. It took about thirteen years to build the castle as a whole.

Even though the castle was taken down because of the ordinance of abolishing castle during Meiji period, the huge stone walls still remained, as the ruins from the old times. One of the great characteristics of this castle is that it has one of the biggest leveled towered turrets among all Japanese castles nationwide. There are sixty towered turrets in the property, and one of them is called “Bichu-yagura”, which is opened to the public as a tatami room and a tea room.

There is a park called “Kakuzan park”, in which presents the castle ruins. As this park is also famously known for cherry blossom trees, cherry blossom festival is held here every April, attracting many people to visit. You can also buy souvenirs and visit selections of restaurants at the “Tsuyama tourist center” which is close to the castle entrance. You can taste the famous udon noodles with hormones as a local B grade cuisine, and also can you find plum jams and sweet taste rice crackers called ”Hatsuyuki”, which means first snow, as specialty goods at souvenir shops.

Basic Information

Zip code: 708-0022
137 Yamashita, Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture
・ October 1st~March 31st 08:40~17:00 
・ April 1st~April 15th   07:30~22:00
※the opening time will extend during the Tsuyama Cherry Blossom Festival period
・ April 16th~September 30th 08:40~19:00
End of the year (December 29th~31th)
Adults:300 yen
Below junior high school students・Above 65 year old: free
※Please bring some kind of document to proof your age.


  • FromJR Tsuyama Station
    Take a 10 min. walk