Lake Yamanakako Hanano Miyako Park

Lake Yamanakako Hanano Miyako Park
Lake Yamanakako Hanano Miyako Park locates by Lake Yamanakako, which is one of the Five Fuji Lakes by Mount Fuji. The park boasts a spacious area of 300,000㎡, and is split into a free area and a charged area. The free area provides a flower garden, where you can enjoy a view Mount Fuji with a field of tulips and cosmos beneath it. The sunflowers that blossom in mid-August are a popular sight as well. In the charged area are a water park area, a floral greenhouse and more. The entire park is equipped with facilities that are fun for the whole family
Basic Information
1650 Yamanaka, Yamanakako-mura, Minamitsuru-gun, Yamanashi
Apr. 16 to Oct. 15: 8:30a.m. - 5:30p.m. Oct. 16 to Apr. 15: 9:00a.m. - 5:30p.m.
Tuesdays between Dec. 1 and Mar. 15 (excluding public holidays)
Park entrance: free 〈Seiryu-no-sato〉 Apr. 16 to Oct. 15: ¥500 for adults, ¥200 for children Oct. 16 to Nov. 30: ¥300 for adults, ¥120 for children Dec. 1 to Mar. 15: Free Mar. 16 to Apr. 15: ¥300 for adults, ¥120 for children
FromFujisan Station (Fujikyu Line)
【Fujisan Sta.】Fujikyu Yamanashi Bus Hirano Line / for Hirano via Oshino-hakkai →【Hana-no-Miyako-no-koen Bus Stop】→ less than a minute walk