
Bijodaira is located in Nakaniikawa District, Eastern Toyama Prefecture. This area is known as one of Japan's richest treasure troves of primeval forests. "Bijodaira" refers to the part of Midagahara Plateau that stands around an elevation of 977 meters, and nurtures trees such as Tateyama cedar. The giant Tateyama Cedar, "Bijosugi" towers over Bijodaira Station. "Bijosugi" literally means "beautiful woman cedar", and is named after a folk story. The legend says that Tateyama Mountain was formerly a spiritual terrain forbidden to women, and a woman who still tried to climb the mountain was punished by by the gods, by being turned into a cedar. There are three walking courses here. The "inner course" takes approximately one hour, where you can see a 1000-year old Tateyama cedar with a 6-meter wide trunk. On the "middle course", which takes approximately two hours, you will see the "Nemagari-sugi" (bent root cedar) and "Kaen-sugi" (flame cedar), both named after their appearances. The two hour and thirty minute "outer course" takes you through a primeval forest of fagus trees. Bijodaira is located at an intermediate stop on the cable car bound for Midagahara, and is a great place to enjoy the forest's beautiful nature. We also recommend birdwatching in this area, which is famous for different kinds of wild birds.

Basic Information

Bijodaira, National Forest 11, Buna Sakagai, Ashikuraji, Tateyama, Nakaniikawa District, Toyama 					
076-462-1001 Tateyama Tourism Association						
Free To Walk At Anytime						
Walking Is Not Permitted From December Until First Half of April as Tateyama Kurobe Alpines Are Closed
*Snow May Also Prevent Walking From November to April 				


  • FromHokuriku Expressway - Tateyama IC
    Drive Via Car (40 Minutes)
    *Personal Cars Cannot Enter Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route				
  • FromTK Route - Bijodaira Station
    Short Walk