Engetsujima (Takachima)

Engetsujima (Takachima)
Engetsujima is located in Shirahamach, Nishimurogun, the southwest area of Wakayama Prefectuere. The official name of Engetsuto is Takashima. This island floats in the southern sea of Rinkaiura and is the landmark of Shirahama. The small island measures 130 meters (from south to north), 35 meters (from east to west), and 25 meters (in height). In the middle of the island, there is the sea cave like a full moon with the height of 9 meters and the width of 8 meters. That is why it is known as Engetsuto. The sunset view is a must see. It is a superb view as being selected as one of the 100 best sunsets in Japan. Ohigan seasons (twice a year) have the one and only view where it looks like the setting sun fitting the sea cave.
Basic Information
〒649-2211 3740, Rinkai, Nishimurogun, Wakayama Prefecture
0739-43-5511 (Shirahama tourist association)
FromShirahama station (JR)
Meiko bus (city loop line) → Rinkai (Engetsujima) → about at 3-minute walk