View of the Ainokura village

Ainokura village


The Ainokura village is located in Nanto city of the southernwest Toyama prefecture. There are 23 gasshō-style dwellings in the village, most of which were built from the end of the Edo period through the Meiji era (early 19th century to early 20th century), and are still lived in today. Ainokura is an area with heavy snowfall getting nearly 2 meters of snow cover in the winter. The thatched roofs of the gasshō style are steeply sloped to make it easier for the snow to drop off the edge. The gasshō-style homes have been recognized as buildings that reflect their regional culture, and Ainokura village was registered as an UNESCO World Heritage Site along with the nearby Suganuma village and Gifu prefecture’s Shirakawa-gō village. In Ainokura, it is possible to see Japan as it was in past eras. The daytime scenery is not to be missed, but neither is the night view with seasonal lights illuminating the village. The fairytale-like atmosphere created as the charming buildings are lit up has captured the hearts of many tourists.

Basic Information

Ainokura, Nanto, Toyama Prefecture


  • FromJohana Station (JR Johana Line)
    Take the Kaetsunou World Heritage Bus (Shirakawa-go direction) to 【Ainokuraguchi  bus stop】→ 3 minute walk
  • FromJR Takaoka Station
    Take the Kaetsunou World Heritage Bus (Shirakawa-go direction) to 【Ainokuraguchi  bus stop】→ 4 minute walk