Kongobuji Temple

Kongobuji Temple
Kongobuji Temple is located in Koyasan in Koya Machi, the North Eastern part of Wakayama Prefecture. Launched by Kobo Taishi (Kukai) over 1200 years ago, it is one of few head temples of Shingo Buddhism in Japan. The temple property has many historical buildings all over. Above all, the Ohiroma (large hall) is a must-see. The temple is a sacred place where many important rituals and memorial services have taken place since ancient times. For example, Jorakue is held in February to pay tribute to Buddha and appreciate his virtue since it is the month when he passed away. Butsujoe takes place in the Ohiroma to celebrate his birth. Koyasan is a city of religion which has more than 100 temples. In addition to Kongobuji Temple, the city has many famous sites including Okunoin, which is the center of worship in Koyasan, and Dangjo Garan, which Kukai started working on before any other part of the temple. Since you can also stay at the Shukubo (accommodation in a temple), it is recommended that you take your time and experience history of Japanese Buddhism.
Basic Information
〒648-0294 132 Koyasan Koya Machi Ito District, Wakayama Prefecture
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Open every day
FromKintetsu Yoshino Line Yoshino Station
Ropeway/ bound for Yoshinoyama Yoshinoyama bus stop → walk (about 10 minutes)