Jishu-jinja Shrine

Jishu-jinja Shrine
Jishu-jinja Shrine locates just north of Kiyomizu-dera Temple in Kyoto prefecture. The shrine is a famous matchmaking spot. The shrine is said to have been made even before the country of Japan was founded, and is the oldest shrine in Kyoto. In 1994, it was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site along with Kiyomizu-dera. Jishu-jinja's main hall, prayer hall, main gate and shrine grounds are designated as a national important cultural property. There are many seasonal festival held at the shrine. One of the most popular ones is the Enmusubi Kingan Sakura Festival held in the spring.
Basic Information
Kiyomizu-itchome, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
9:00a.m. - 5:00p.m.
FromKyoto Station
【Kyoto Sta.】Kyoto City Bus 86, 206 or 100 / for Sanjusangendo or Gion →【Gojozaka Bus Stop】→ about a 10-minute walk
FromGion-shijo Station
【Gion-shijo Sta.】Exit 7 → walk 【Shijo-keihan-mae Bus Stop】Kyoto City Bus 207 / for Kiyomizudera or Tofukuji →【Kiyomizumichi Bus Stop】→ about a 10-minute walk
FromKawaramachi Station
【Kawaramachi Sta.】Exit 6 → walk 【Shijo-Kawaramachi Bus Stop】Kyoto City Bus 207 / for Kiyomizudera or Tofukuji →【Kiyomizuimichi Bus Stop】→ about a 10-minute walk徒歩