Senkaku Bay Ageshima Amusement Park

Senkaku Bay Ageshima Yuen and the observation boat

Senkaku Bay Ageshima Amusement Park

Senkaku Bay Ageshima Yuen is located on Senkaku Bay, the Northwestern Sado Island, Niigata Prefecture. Senkaku Bay is the collective name of five small bays that extend about 3 km along the coastline of Aikawa area, and is a scenic spot that has been designated as a semi-national park and one of Japan's 100 Scenic Foreshores. Senkaku Bay Ageshima Yuen is a complex tourist facility located in Ageshima Kyo Bay of Senkaku Bay. From the observation deck in the park, you can see the magnificent view of the continuum of 30m-class rocky cliffs. From the boarding point, the underwater observation boat starts every 15 minutes. The ship's bottom is partly made of glass, allowing you to see swimming fishes and seaweeds undersea. The popular menus at the snack corner is “Sazae no Tsuboyaki (turbo cooked in its own shell)” and “Yakiika (grilled squid),” which are famous specialties of Senkaku Bay. Offering tub boat rides and an adventure playground for children, the park can be enjoyed by an entire family.

Basic Information

1561 Kita-ebisu, Sado, Niigata
May-October: 8:00 to 17:30 
March-April, November: 8:30-17:00, 
December-February: 8:30 to 16:30
Open all year round
<Admission Fee> 
 Adult: 550 yen
Child: 280 Yen 

<Observation boat boarding fee (including admission fee)>
 Adult: 1,100 yen
 Child: 550 Yen
Credit Card
Not accepted


  • FromSado Ryotsu Port
    Niigata Kotsu Sado Bus / South Line 
    → 【Aikawamae】 Bus stop 
    Nigata Sado bus / Kaifu line
    →【Senkakuwan Yuen mae】Bus stop - short walk from the bus stop