Kujukushima Aquarium Umi Kirara

Kujukushima Aquarium Umi Kirara
Kujukushima Aquarium aims to be a smaller version of the Kujukushima Islands and its ecosystem. The surround seas of the Kujukushima Islands are home to over 1000 species of fish, which is approximately a third of all of the species of fish in Japan. The aquarium is home to many types of fish, jellyfish, crabs, shellfish and more. You can find other larger sea creatures here such as dolphins and turtles.
Basic Information
1008 Kashimae-cho, Sasebo-shi, Nagasaki
Mar. to Oct.: 9:00a.m. - 6:00p.m. (last entry at 5:30p.m.) Nov. to Feb.: 9:00a.m. - 5:00p.m. (last entry at 4:30p.m.)
Open year-round
General: ¥1440 (1230) Children (4 years old to middle school): ¥720 (620) *Prices in () indicate individual ticket prices for groups of 15 or more.
FromSasebo Station
【Sasebo Sta.】City Bus / for Pearl Sea Resort or Kujukushima Suizokukan →【Kujukushima Suizokukan】
FromNagasaki Station
【Nagasaki Sta.】(Bus) Nagasaki ~ Sasebo Line / for Sasebo Bus Center →【Sasebo Sta.】City Bus / for Pearl Sea Resort or Kujukushima Suizokukan →【Kujukushima Suizokukan】
FromNagasaki Airport
【Nagasaki Airport Sta.】(Bus) Nagasaki Airport Line [Sasebo] / for Sasa Bus Center →【Sasebo Sta.】City Bus / for Pearl Sea Resort or Kujukushima Suizokukan →【Kujukushima Suizokukan】