Akita Prefectural Museum of Art

Akita Prefectural Museum of Art
The Akita Prefectural Museum of Art opened in 1967, and displays a large collection of works gathered by artist and Kita native Hirano Masakichi. In the museum, you can check out the 20-meter long painting by Hirano, which depicts daily life, events and the history of Akita. The museum aims to express Akita prefecture in a creative, fun way.
Basic Information
1-4-2 Nakadori, Akita-shi, Akita
10:00a.m. - 06:00p.m.
Irregular holiday
Adult: ¥310 University student: ¥210 High school students & under: Free
FromAkita Station
【Akita Sta.】about a 10-minute walk
FromAkita Airport
【Akita Airport】Highway Bus / for Akita Station →【Akita Sta.】→ about a 10-minute walk