Fushimi Inari Shrine

Fushimi Inari Shrine
Fushimi Inari Shrine locates on Mount Inari in the city of Kyoto. Fushimi Inari is said to be the temple of grains, agriculture and industry. The temple is well known worldwide for the thousands of vermillion torii gates. The main hall locates at the foot of the mountain, and the torii gates continue upwards to the top of the mountain. To the top of the mountain is about a 2-hour hike. Some of the roads are rockier and harder to climb, so make sure to wear comfortable shoes when hiking up the mountain.
Basic Information
68 Fukakusa Yabunouchi-cho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
24 hours
Open year-round
【Japanese】 Fee: ¥2500 First 18 people to register (Mai-mai Kyoto)
FromKyoto Station
【Kyoto Sta.】JR Nara Line / for Joyo・Nara →【Inari Sta.】→ about a 1-minute walk
FromTokyo Station
【Tokyo Sta.】Tokaido Shinkansen / for Shin-Osaka →【Kyoto Sta.】JR Nara Line / for Joyo・Nara →【Inari Sta.】→ about a 1-minute walk
FromKansai Airport
【Kansai Airport Sta.】Keihan Bus, Kansai Airport Bus or Osaka Airport Bus / for Demachi-Yamagi Sta. →【Kyoto Sta.】JR Nara Line / for Joyo・Nara →【Inari Sta.】→ about a 1-minute walk