Ushimado Marine Culture Museum

Ushimado Marine Culture Museum
The Ushimado Marine Culture Museum was built originally as the chief police station for the town of Ushimado in 1887. The tree in the front is a 150 year old palm tree, and it matches well with the stained glass windows. The museum has many documents from the Edo period (1603 – 1867), as it was a prominent town of transportation for daimyo (feudal warriors). It was also a town where diplomats from the Joseon dynasty (present day Korea) visited on their missions. A special festival float, the Ushimado Danjiri, is exhibited here, too. It is designated as an important cultural property of Okayama prefecture. The float measures 5 meters long, and its decorations are extravagant and detailed
Basic Information
3056 Ushimado, Ushimado-machi, Setouchi-shi, Okayama
9:00a.m. - 5:00p.m. (last entry at 4:30p.m.)
General: ¥300 Elementary, junior high and high school students: ¥300
FromOkayama Station
【Okayama Sta.】JR Ako Line / for Osafune →【Saidaiji Sta.】Tobi Bus / Southern Loop →【Honrenji-shita (Kaiyu-bunkakan) Bus Stop】→ less than a minute walk
FromOkayama Airport
【Okayama Airport】Okaden Bus / for Okayama Station →【Okayama Sta.】JR Ako Line / for Osafune →【Saidaiji Sta.】Tobi Bus / Southern Loop →【Honrenji-shita (Kaiyu-bunkakan) Bus Stop】→ less than a minute walk