Kobe Port Tower

Kobe Port Tower
Kobe Port Tower is known as a symbol of the Port of Kobe. The construction of the tower began in order to create a place that can offer a full view of the harbor, and opened in 1963. This tower was the first pipe-structured tower in the world, and has a graceful appearance that looks like a longer version of a wadaiko, a Japanese hand drum. For its beautiful look, it is called “the steel tower beauty”. Not only did it win loads of awards such as the Prize of Architectural Institute of Japan and the Building Constructors Society Award, it was also registered as one of the Japanese Registered Tangible Cultural Properties in 2014. This tower is consisted of 8 layers, of which 5 layers on the top function as an observatory floor that can offer a good view of Osaka, Awajishima, and Mount Rokko. We also recommend viewing this building from outside at night, as more than 7000 LED lights illuminate the entire tower.
Basic Information
5-5 Hatoba-cho, Chuo-ku, Kobe
・Mar. to Nov.: 9:00a.m. - 9:00p.m. (last entry at 8:30p.m.) ・Dec. to Feb.: 9:00a.m. - 7:00p.m. (last entry at 6:30p.m.) *Dec. 31: 9:00a.m. - 4:30p.m. * Jan. 1: 6:30a.m. - 4:30p.m.
Open year-round
High school students and above: ¥700 Elementary and middle school students: ¥300
FromMinatomotomachi Station
【Minatomotomachi Sta.】Exit 2 → about a 5-minute walk