Amaterasu Railway

Amaterasu Railway
Takachiho Amaterasu Railways is built above the no longer running Takachiho Railway line. The entire journey is only 30 minutes long, but packed with some unforgettable scenery. From the train you can see vast crops and endless nature.
Basic Information
1425-1, Mitai, Takachiho-cho Nishiusuki-gun, Miyazaki
10:00a.m. - 4:00p.m.
every Thursday
Entrance fee: ¥100 Ride fare ・General: ¥1200 ・Elementary and middle school students: ¥700 ・Toddlers: ¥300
FromMiyazaki Station
JR Nippo Line / For Nobeoka →【Nobeoka Sta.】ー Bus / For Takachiho →【Takachiho Bus Center】→ about a 10-minute walk
FromKumamoto Station
High Way Bus / For Nobeoka →【Takachiho Bus Center】→ about a 10-minute walk