View of Midagahara

Midagahara is a plateau in Chūbu-Sangaku National Park, located in Nakaniikawa District, Eastern Toyama Prefecture.

Found at the Tateyama Mountain, Midagahara's elevation stands between 1,600 to 2,000 meters and extends approximately 4 kilometers to the east and west, and 2 kilometers to the north and south. The slender wetlands that stretch from the east west here were a result of erosion by the Tateyama Caldera, which was created by the caving-in of Tateyama Mountain's crater remains. Midagahara was registered in the "Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance" as a place to preserve plants and animals that live in wetland biomes. There is a promenade that allows visitors to stroll throughout the clear atmosphere of Midagahara - the "inner course" takes approximately 40 minutes. If you continue along the promenade, you will come to an area called "Gakida", a marsh dotted with small puddles called "chitou". On the outer course, which takes approximately 120 minutes, there is an area named "Ichinotani-Bunki (Bunki = branching paths)" that is full of "Watasuge", a plant found in mountainous areas. Finally, the 40-minute "Caldera Observation Deck Course" gives a fantastic view of the caldera mountain range. With the mountain plants blooming in the summer, and gorgeous autumn leaves on display in the fall, a beautiful scenery can be found in all four seasons.

Basic Information

Ashikuraji, Tateyama, Nakaniikawa District, Toyama					


  • FromTateyama Kurobe Kanko Bus Midagahara Exit
    Few Seconds Walk