Zao Onsen in the winter

Zao Onsen

Zao Onsen, in the city of Yamagata, has a history of around 1900 years. The hot springs locate at an altitude of 880 meters. The waters of Zao Onsen are a sulfur spring and high in acidity. These waters are good for improving blood flow and improving skin texture. With 5 day-trip baths, 3 footbaths and 3 public baths in the hot springs town, Zao Onsen is very day-trip friendly. If you want to go bath-hopping, then get the Yumeguri-kokeshi pass. This pass comes in the shape of a traditional, wooden kokeshi doll. For 1,300 yen, the pass allows you to visit 3 baths of your choice. You can take your kokeshi to Tanaka Kokeshi-ya, a kokeshi shop, and paint it yourself. Around Zao Onsen, you can find ski slopes and the Zao Ropeway. In the winter, snow monsters (trees covered in snow) appear on Mount Zao.

Basic Information

Zao Onsen, Yamagata-shi, Yamagata
023-694-9328 (Zao Tourism Association)
023-694-9386 (Tanaka Kokeshi-ya)
Varies by facility
Kokeshi painting: 8:30a.m. - 5:00p.m.
Varies by facility

〈Public baths〉
Adults: ¥200
Children: ¥100

〈Day trip baths〉
Adults: from ¥400
Children: from ¥200


  • FromYamagata Staion (Ou Main Line)
    【Yamagata Sta.】Yamako Bus Yamagata~Zao Onsen Line / for Zao Onsen Bus Terminal
    →【Zao Onsen Bus Terminal】