
Sawara is located in the northeastern part of Chiba Prefecture, Katori City and still preserves the cityscape of the Edo period. The Onogawa / Katori Kaido Road is designated as a Preservation District of Historic Buildings and is filled with shops that have been in business for centuries. Another highlight is Ino Tadataka's house, which he lived in for 30 years. His map, "Dainihon Enkaiyochi Zenzu", is known as Japan's first accurate map. The Ino Tadataka Memorial Hall is set up nearby, and materials from his merchant days to his later surveyor days are on display. In Sawara, various events are held to showcase the traditional cityscape. Among them, the “Grand Festival of Sawara”, held in July and October, has been running for about 300 years and is one of the three Great Kanto Float Festivals in the Kanto region. This festival is recognized as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Basic Information
Sawara-i, Sawara city, Chiba prefecture
(Katori City Commerce and Industry Tourism District) 0478-50-1212
FromFrom JR Narita line at Sawara Station
walking distance about 5 minutes