Hachiko Statue (Odate)

Hachiko Statue (Odate)
This statue of Hachiko locates in front of Odate Station in Akita prefecture. The city of Odate is the hometown of the loyal dog, Hachiko. Hachiko was born in 1923, and was sent to Tokyo where hew as taken care of by Professor Ueno of the University of Tokyo. Hachiko was known for his loyalty, as he waited for Professor Ueno every day at Shibuya Station even after the professor’s death. The first statue of Hachiko in front of Odate Station was built in 1934. However, it was collected by the government during the Second World War to be used in weapon production. A new Hachiko statue was built in the same spot in 1987. Every year on the second week of October, a birthday celebration for Hachiko is held in front of the statue. On April 8, a memorial service is held there.
Basic Information
1-3-1 Onari-cho, Odate-shi, Akita
FromOdate Station (JR Ou Main Line and Hanawa Line)
less than a minute walk