Myojin Ike pond

Myojin Ike pond

Myojin Ike pond

Myojin Ike pond is located in Kamikochi, Chubusangaku National Park, Matsumoto City, in the central region in Nagano Prefecture.

This gourd-shape wetlands consists of two differently-sized bodies of water, which are called Ichinoike and Ninoike (first pond & second pond). There was formerly to be a Sannoike (third pond) behind the 2 ponds. The ponds are located on the grounds of Hodaka Shrine, and are also called "Kagami Ike" (Mirror Pond) or "Kami Ike" (God's Pond). The ponds feature transparent beautiful water, and house a population of char that the royal prince of Chichibu is said to have enjoyed fishing from. Please note that currently, fishing in this pond is prohibited for environmental protection.

Hodaka Shrine conducts the Okumiya Reitaisai every October 8th, which is also called the Myojin Ike Float Festival, to send appreciation to and pray for safety in the mountains. Participants wearing traditional Japanese kimonos ride 2 boats circling the pond while Gagaku music (imperial court music) is played.

Basic Information

Azumi Kamikochi, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture 
Road open: 05:00-19:00 (July-August 05:00-20:00)
Closed: November 16 to the end of next April
*There are no closures when the road is open.
No fee


  • From Shinshimashima Station, Matsumoto Dentetsu Kamikochi Line
    Alpico Bus bound for Kamikochi 
     →【Kamikochi bus stop】→ about 1 hour by foot

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