Japon Louvre Sculpture Museum

Japon Louvre Sculpture Museum
The Japon Louvre Sculpture Museum can be found in Tsu City, Hakusan-cho, in the Northern region of Mie prefecture. It is the only museum officially recognized by the Louvre Museum in France as a sister museum. Displayed here are 1,300 replicas of famous sculptures from the Louvre and around the world. The sculptures displayed inside the museum are made by the art staff at the Louvre. They take molds directly from the original sculptures, so the size and detail to every wrinkle and crack are the same. Visitors can view the Venus de Milo, the stele of Hammurabi’s Code, and many invaluable pieces from up close. There are also replicas of sculptures from the British Museum, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and others. The Japon Louvre Sculpture Museum is actually run by the nearby Hojuyama Daikanon Temple, so there are also many Buddhist sculptures as well. One of these is an 11-faced, thousand-armed Kannon, one of only three Senju Kannon in Japan that actually have 1,000 arms.
Basic Information
〒515-2621 1957 Higashi-tani, Hakusancho Sada, Tsu, Mie Prefecture
9:30〜17:00(Last entry:16:30)
Open all year-round
Adult(High school and up): 1,500 yen 60 Years and Older, University students: 1,000 yen Child(Elementary and Middle school): 800 yen Preschooler: Free *There is a commom discount ticket for the museum and the Hojuyama Daikanon Temple.
FromSakakibara-Onsenguchi Station (Kintetsu-Osaka Line)
5 minute walk
FromMeihan Expressway Ueno-Higashi IC
45 minute drive
FromIse Expressway Hisai IC
20 minute drive