Hirado-jo Castle

Hirado-jo Castle
Hirado-jo Castle sits in the city of Hirado of Nagaski prefecture. Originally, the castle was nearing completion in 1613, but burned down and was remade in 1704. The Hirado Domain’s daimyo (feudal lord), the Matsura Clan, ruled the castle until the late 1800s. From the castle keep is a dazzling view of the sea.
Basic Information
1473 Iwanokami-cho, Hirado-shi, Nagasaki
8:30a.m. - 5:30p.m.
Dec. 30 - 31
大人510円 高校生300円 小中学生200円 General: ¥510 High school students: ¥300 Elementary/junior high school students:¥200
FromSasebo Station
【Sasebo Sta.】(Bus) Saihi Bus / for Hirado-sanbashi →【Yukokan High School Entrance】about a 7-minute walk
FromNagasaki Station
【Nagasaki Sta.】JR Seaside Liner / for Sasebo →【Sasebo Sta.】(Bus) Saihi Bus / for Hirado-sanbashi →【Yukokan High School Entrance】about a 7-minute walk
FromNagasaki Airport
【Nagasaki Airport Sta.】(Bus) Nagasaki Airport Line [Sasebo]/ for Sasebo Bus Center →【Sasebo Sta.】(Bus) Saihi Bus / for Hirado-sanbashi →【Yukokan High School Entrance】about a 7-minute walk