Ryoma's birthplace monument

In Kamimachi, Kochi City, Kochi prefecture, Ryoma Sakamoto's birthplace is commemorated in a stone monument. Sakamoto is a hugely popular historical figure of Japan, known most for his role as a "Shishi" (anti-Shogunate activist) in the late Meiji era. The monument stands facing Tosa City's main road, where the street car runs. Despite being tightly sandwiched between two buildings, it boasts an almost lifelike presence. It's almost as if Sakamoto himself is standing there, entertaining himself with the mundanities of modern Japanese life. In front of the monument, a tablet with a portrait of Sakamoto and a bench is placed, making a popular location for photography. Within a walking distance there is also "Ryoma's Birthplace Museum", and "Ryoma Post Office" with a dignified statue of Sakamoto. The city is absolutely filled with Sakamoto's footprint, and is a must-visit for any fan of his. Every year, during the "Ryoma Birthday Festival", a lantern parade departs from in front of this monument. The townspeople celebrate his birthday with Yosakoi dancing, showing their ever-strong love for the Sakamoto.
Basic Information
〒780-0901 1-7 Kamimachi kochishi kochiken
088-823-9457 (kochi city Tourism promotion center)
FromTosa Railway (Tosa dentetsu) kamimachi 1 chome
1min by walk