Ryoma no Hamachaya

“Ryoma no Hama Chaya” is located in Urato, Katsurahama, Kochi Prefecture. This is a souvenir shop in Katsurahama Park. There are plenty of Kochi specialties and souvenirs, such as bonito, Nori and Yuzu (citron). There are many souvenirs that can only be bought here, such as “Ryoma Gayuku”, a bun that incorporates the best of both Japanese and Western styles and “Ryoma Daifuku”, which is exclusively for sale at Katsurahama. The most popular souvenirs are these ones, which carry the name of Ryoma Sakamoto. Katsurahama Park, where this shop is located, is filled with popular tourist spots such as: “Sakamoto Ryoma Memorial Hall”, “Sakamoto Ryoma Statue” and “Katsurahama Aquarium”. This place can be used to find souvenirs, and as a rest stop after sightseeing.
Basic Information
〒781-0262 6 Urato, Kochi City, Kochi Prefecture
Hours 9: 00-18: 00
* December to January: 17:00closed
From*JR Kochi Station and Saden Kotsu Bus / Katsurahama
* → [Ryoma Memorial Hall] Bus stop → On foot (about 5 minutes) Information