Nagasaki Seaside Park

Nagasaki Seaside Park
Nagasaki Seaside Park locates right outside of Dejima and just by the sea and is a place of relaxation for locals and tourists. From the park, you can see Matsugae Terminal, where international cruise ships come and go. On a nice day, you can stroll through the Aqua Garden or walk along the Canal Promenade.
Basic Information
1-60 Tokiwamachi, Nagasaki
Open year-round
Open year-round
FromNagasaki Station
【Nagasaki eki-mae Sta.】Nagasaki Electric Tramway / for Shokakuji-shita →【Dejima Sta.】about an 8-minute walk
FromSasebo Station
【Sasebo Sta.】(Bus) Nagasaki ~ Sasebo Line / for Chuo-bashi →【Nagasaki Sta.】walk to Nagasaki eki-mae Sta. (tram) →【Nagasaki eki-mae Sta.】Nagasaki Electric Tramway / for Shokakuji-shita →【Dejima Sta.】about an 8-minute walk
FromNagasaki Airport
【Nagasaki Airport Sta.】(Bus) Nagasaki Airport Line [Nagasaki] / for Nagasaki eki-mae →【Nagasaki-shinchi Sta.】about an 8-minute walk