
Dejima, a small manmade island on the coast of Nagasaki prefecture, is an extremely realistic replica of the original island of Dejima. Between the 1600s and 1800s, Dejima served as Japan's only window to the western world, and traded with the Dutch and Portuguese from there. Today, many buildings with an impressive resemblance to the original ones are rebuilt on the island. Stroll through the streets of Dejima and experience feudal Japan.
Basic Information
6-1 Dejima-machi, Nagasaki
General: 8:00a.m. - 6:00p.m. (last admission at 5:40p.m.) Extended Hours: 8:00a.m. - 7:00p.m. (last admission at 6:40p.m.) *Extended hours during ・Golden Week (first week of May) ・Summer Period (mid July to mid October) ・Lantern Festival (End of January to mid February)
Open year-round
General: ¥510 High school students: ¥200 Elementary and junior high school students: ¥100
FromNagasaki Station
【Nagasaki eki-mae Sta.】Nagasaki Electric Tramway / for Shokakuji-shita →【Dejima Sta.】
FromSasebo Station
【Sasebo Sta.】(Bus) Nagasaki ~ Sasebo Line / for Chuo-bashi →【Nagasaki Sta.】walk to Nagasaki eki-mae Sta. (tram) →【Nagasaki eki-mae Sta.】Nagasaki Electric Tramway / for Shokakuji-shita →【Dejima Sta.】
FromNagasaki Airport
【Nagasaki Airport Sta.】(Bus) Nagasaki Airport Line [Nagasaki] / for Nagasaki eki-mae →【Nagasaki-shinchi Sta.】walk to Dejima