The Philosopher's Walk (Tetsugaku no michi)

The Philosopher's Walk (Tetsugaku no michi)

The Philosopher's Walk (Tetsugaku no michi)

The Philosopher's Walk (Tetsugaku no Michi) is a narrow 2 km-long trail in Kyoto City, connecting Nyakuoji Bridge and Jyodo-ji Temple Bridge in southern Kyoto Prefecture. Many scholars and artists used to live near this path in the Meiji era (1868-1912). Professor Ikutaro Nishida (1875-1945) of Kyoto University, who is now known as one of japan's leading philosophers, spent his mornings walking this path immersed in his thoughts and thus giving it its name. The path is surrounded by luscious nature that takes on a new coat with every season, such as the cherry blossoms in the spring, hydrangeas in early summer and the autumn leaves in the fall. In 1987, the road was selected as one of the Top 100 paths of Japan. The canal running parallel to the road is water from Lake Biwa, and is a major sightseeing spot for the fireflies of Kyoto. Along the road, there are stylish cafes and a variety of stores, making it a popular destination for couples. Why don’t you stroll down this road and enjoy its beautiful nature?

Basic Information

Hounen Innishi-machi, Shishigatani, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture
075-761-1944(Tetsugaku-no-michi Hoshokai)


  • FromKeihan Railway Demachi-yanagi Station
    Kyoto bus 102,203 → Ginkakuji-michi → a short walk
  • FromKyoto City Subway, Tozai Line, Keage Station
    20-minute walk