Jogi Nyorai Saiho-ji Temple

Jogi Nyorai Saiho-ji Temple
Jogi Nyorai Saiho-ji Temple stands in Sendai City, in central Miyagi Prefecture. The temple is quietly nestled in an area surrounded by mountains and rivers.
The temple was founded in 1706, and is said to be where Taira-no-Sadayoshi went into hiding to protect an Amida Buddha scroll, when he fled from the rivaling Genji clan following the battle of Dan-no-ura. When Sadayoshi went into hiding, he took on a new name that retained the same voicing, but was written in different kanji characters. The new name he adopted has an alternate voicing of "Jogi", and this is said to be the origin of the temple's name. The locals continue to lovingly refer to the temple as "Jogi-san".
Jogi Nyorai Saiho-ji Temple is famous for bringing good luck in matchmaking. Visitors also pray for household safety, pregnancies and successful exams. The temple’s seasonal events, such as the summer firefly festival, are not to be missed.
Many shops line the temple gate, and one of the most famous merchandise here is the triangle-shaped deep-fried tofu. The thick yet crispy fried tofu is seasoned with a mixture of garlic blended with Japanese spices and soy sauce. Queues are sometimes lined up in front of the shops. The fried tofu are also sold as gifts to bring home, so be sure to try one when you visit.
Basic Information
〒989-3213 1 Jo-ge Okura-Aza, Aoba-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture
7:00 - 16:30
FromAyashi Station (JR Senzan Line)
Sendai municipal bus / bound for Jogi →【Jogi】bus stop → walk for about 6 minutes
FromKumagane Station (JR Senzan Line)
about a 17-minute drive