Miura Catholic Church

Miura Catholic Church
Miura Catholic Church was founded in 1899, but moved to its current location in Sasebo's city center in 1931. The church's equisite, white exterior is built in Gothic style. Miraculously, the church survived the air raids during World War II. It stands in Sasebo today as a symbol of the multicultural city.
Basic Information
4-25, Miura-cho, Sasebo-shi, Nagasaki
【General】 9:00a.m. - 5:00p.m. (Opening hours may vary on days of events and masses) 【Mass】 Sunday: 6:00a.m. and 9:00a.m.
Varies on days of events and celebrations
FromSasebo Station
【Sasebo Sta.】about a 5-minute walk
FromNagasaki Station
【Nagasaki Sta.】(Bus) Nagasaki ~ Sasebo Line / for Sasebo Bus Center →【Sasebo Sta.】about a 5-minute walk
FromNagasaki Airport
【Nagasaki Airport Sta.】(Bus) Nagasaki Airport Line [Sasebo] / for Sasa Bus Center →【Sasebo Sta.】about a 5-minute walk