Sakamoto Hachiman-gu shrine

Sakamoto Hachiman-gu shrine
Sakamoto Hachiman-gu shrine is found in Dazaifu city, in western Fukuoka. The shrine is dedicated to the guardian deity of the land, and the Emperor O-jin. Sakamoto Hachiman-gu shrine recently became famous for its association to Japan's new imperial era name. The shrine is said to be the setting of an ancient poem from which the name "Reiwa" was derived. The shrine compound has many monuments displaying poems from Japan's oldest poem anthology, Manyoshu. Nearby is the famed Dazaifu Tenmagu shrine, which celebrates Japan's famed deity of academics, Sugawara Michi-zane. Sakamoto Hachiman-gu shrine is a pleasant site to visit anytime of the year. It has various flowers blooming year-round, and host many events.
Basic Information
〒818-0133 3-14-23 Sakamoto, Dazaifu Shi, Fukuoka
092-928-3100(parishoners group)
FromTofurou-mae Station
About a 9-minute walk