Tagata Shrine

Phallus at Tagata Shrine

Tagata Shrine


Tagata Shrine is located in Komaki City, Aichi Prefecture. It enshrine the deities Mitoshinokami and Tama Hime no Mikoto, who are deities for a good harvest and prosperity of descendants.

Tagata Shrine is famous for being dedicated to the phallus, with many wooden symbols visible in the inner sanctuary. In addition, the Harvest Festival held on March 15 every year, is a unique event in which a giant phallus with a diameter of 60cm and a length of more than 2m, carved from cypress, is carried on a mikoshi (religious planquin) and dedicated to the shrine. The strong impact to the audience when parading the huge phallus symbol results in this event being called "The rarest festival in the world", and many tourists from overseas also visit. Popular food related to the festival is sold at stalls.

One of the highlights of the shrine is the Chinpoukutsu, which is enshrined on the right side of Okumiya (back chamber). The sculpture has two balls, and it is said that touching the right ball will fulfill wishes for family safety, a prosperous business, and luck with money while touching the left ball will fulfill wishes for romance, fertility, an easy delivery, and a harmonious marriage.

Basic Information

152 Tagata-cho, Komaki City, Aichi Prefecture


  • FromNagoya Railroad Tagata Jinjyamae Station
    About 5 minutes by foot

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