Nishifutsukeyama Observatory

Nishifutsukeyama Observatory
Nishifutsukeyama Observatory locates in the town of Oma in Aomori prefecture. From the observatory, you can see the city of Hakodate in Hokkaido, across the Tsugaru Strait. To the south is a lovely view of the Tsugaru peninsula. The view from the Nishifutsukeyama Observatory is referred to as the “yoko-yakei (night view from the side), as you can see the city of Hakodate from its side. The area where the observatory is located is a part of Seaside Cattle Park Oma. In the park, there are cattle and horses roaming around the spacious, grassy fields. You can visit the Oma Town Museum and learn about the town’s history of farming.
Basic Information
4-8-1 Uchiyama, Oma, Oma-cho, Shimokita-gun, Aomori
【Nishifutsukeyama Observatory】 Open all day 【Oma Town Museum】 9:00a.m. - 4:00p.m.
【Nishifutsukeyama Observatory】 Open year-round 【Oma Town Museum】 Apr. to Nov.: Mondays Dec. to Mar.: Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays Year-end holidays
【Nishifutsukeyama Observatory】 Free 【Oma Town Museum】 Free
FromOma Byoin-mae Bus Stop (Shimokita Kotsu Bus)
abouta 30-minute walk