Matsuyama Airport

Matsuyama Airport
Matsuyama Airport is Ehime prefecture’s window to the world. From the airport to the capital city of Matsuyama is about a 30-minute bus ride away. Aside of domestic flights that connect Matsuyama with cities like Sapporo and Naha, Matsuyama Airport has some international flights as well, that fly to Shanghai and Seoul. At the Orange BAR inside the airport, you can enjoy orange juice, an Ehime delicacy, right out of a faucet.
Basic Information
2731 Minami-yoshida-machi, Matsuyama-shi, Ehime
FromMatsuyama Station
【Matsuyama Sta.】Airport Bus / for Matsuyama Airport →【Matsuyama Airport】
FromUwajima Station
【Uwajima Station】JR Yosan Line / for Matsuyama →【Matsuyama Sta.】Airport Bus / for Matsuyama Airport →【Matsuyama Airport】