Bridge leading to Yamanaka Onsen

Yamanaka Onsen


"Yamanaka Onsen", which is located in Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture, has been a well-known hot spring representing Japan, and was discovered during the Nara Era by a highly profiled priest named, Gyoki, 1,300 years ago. In 1703, a well-known haiku poet, Matsuo Bashou, visited the hot spring and praised it for being as great as the well renowned hot springs, Arima Onsen and Kusatsu Onsen. Yamanaka Onsen is now ranked in the "Three Major Well-Known Hot Springs of Japan". The spring water is made of sodium sulfate, which is used to heal rheumatism and neuralgie. Bathing in the gentle, low temperature baths has been a favorite amongst many since the past. Yamanaka Onsen is rich in the variety of its attractions aside from the baths. You can fully enjoy yourself in the beautiful nature during four clear-cut seasons. Also, you can experience the making of "Yamanaka Shikki (lacquer ware)", which originated there, and enjoy cuisines made with fresh foods of the sea from Kaga Port. Walk around in the nature and feel the culture. We are looking forward to welcoming you to Yamanaka Onsen.

Basic Information

Yamanaka Onsen, Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture
0761-78-0330 (Yamanaka Onsen Tourism Association/ Yamanaka Onsen Ryokan Cooperative)
Varies depending on the stores
Varies depending on the stores
Varies depending on the stores
Credit Card
Varies depending on the stores
Varies depending on the stores


  • FromFrom JR Special Rapid Shirasagi Kago Onsen Station
    Hokuriku Railway Bus・Onsen Yamanaka line/ Towards Kayano
    → [Yamanaka Onsen Bus Stop]